
Oklahoma CDs partner to expand access, delivery of conservation services to Indian and non-Indian lands

Tribal Outreach and Partnership Success Story: Creek Nation Natural Resource Conservation District and Hughes County Conservation District in Oklahoma

By Dale Jenkins and Ed Mouss

Oklahoma’s Hughes County Conservation District has supported its neighbor, the Creek Nation Natural Resource Conservation District, since CNNRCD was established in 2014. Early on, the two districts developed a cooperative agreement to expand the delivery of conservation services in their area by utilizing strong relationships and building on their mutual understanding of the roles tribal conservation districts can play in meeting local conservation needs. The parties are now discussing how to best share their resources and complement each other’s conservation roles in natural resources management projects, landowner outreach, and education.

Their partnership involves sharing and leveraging resources (including funding, technical expertise, personnel, and equipment), building on local trust and connections, and advancing the mutual conservation goals of the two districts and their leadership. The partnership now includes the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts, NRCS, the USDA Farm Service Agency, and other conservation partners. It demonstrates the benefit of a strong local-to-local relationship that is supported by partners at the state and federal level. The agreement holds potential to transfer to the eight adjoining conservation districts whose Indian land areas are included within the Creek Nation Natural Resource Conservation District’s boundaries.

If you would like more information about this project, contact Dale Jenkins of the Hughes County Conservation District by phone (405-380-3459) or email ([at] and/or Ed Mouss of the Creek Nation Natural Resource Conservation District by phone (918-633-7454) or email (business.mouss7[at]

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