Washington State district helps update community resource handbook 01/17/2020
The Cascadia Conservation District (CD) in Wenatchee, Wash., partnered with the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust and nearly a dozen other Washington State agencies to update the Chelan County Good Neighbor Handbook, a 36-page guide for property owners, newcomers and residents.
“We all recognize the partnerships, collaboration and efficiency that is gained through a joint outreach effort like this,” Program Manager Michael Cushman said. “We’re grateful we were able to play a small role in the development of this.”
Since 2008–the last time the handbook was published–population has increased 10 percent, including new development and new property ownership. The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust, which developed the original handbook along with other agencies, recognized it needed updating. Along with the trust, 10 partners from nonprofit, state and federal groups came together to incorporate valuable information into the latest edition.
Cascadia CD is listed in two sections of the handbook, including a section on community wildfire protection planning, where the conservation district is listed as a resource in offering a free wildfire risk assessment; and a section on living with and protecting endangered and sensitive species.
“There’s a connectiveness with this community and the natural resources,” Cushman said. “It’s all around us, and some folks have different degrees of understanding or associations with those resources. There are a lot of changes and a lot of resources for folks, and this was a really good opportunity to get information out to people.”
The handbook features eight topic sections that provide program and/or recreational opportunities and include nearly 70 different organizational resources for additional information or assistance. The handbook’s eight sections include: enjoying the outdoors, living with wildfire, noxious weeds, living with wildlife, salmon, community agriculture, water conservation, and recycling and commuting.
Contributors to the latest edition include: Cascadia CD, Chelan-Douglas Land Trust, Chumstick Wildfire Stewardship Coalition, U.S. Forest Service, Trout Unlimited, Chelan County Natural Resource Department, Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wenatchee Outdoors, Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center and Chelan and Douglas County Washington State University Extension Office.
The handbook can be viewed at chelancountygoodneighbors.org.
Tags: Forestry, Forestry Notes