
Southwest Region

Executive Board Member: Josh Smith, Las Cruces, NM Region Chair: Tina Thompson, Wilcox, AZ NACD Staff, Southwest Region Representative: Rachel Theler, Buena Vista, CO National Conservation District Employees Association (NCDEA) Southwest Region Representative: Tanya Fell, Wray, CO National Association of State Conservation Agencies (NASCA) Region Director: Jim Bowcutt, Salt Lake, UT Announcements: Upcoming Events: Technical Assistance… Continue reading →

Southwest and Pacific Joint Region Meeting

Join the Southwest and Pacific Regions for their annual joint business meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyo.! The event is hosted by the Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts, with the agenda pending. Additional details available online: Continue reading →

2018 Southwest and Pacific Joint Regions Meeting

The 2018 joint meeting of the NACD Southwest and Pacific Regions will take place Sept. 17 - 20 in Kennewick, Wash., hosted by the Washington Association of Conservation Districts. Registration: Early bird registration (before Sept. 1) costs $150 per person; after Sept. 1, late or on-site registration is $200 per attendee. Click here to register and… Continue reading →

Southwest & Pacific Region Meeting

Make sure to book a room at the conference hotel – the Lions Gate Hotel – by August 24 to receive the $99 per night room rate, and don’t forget to mention you’re with the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts. For more meeting details, click here. Continue reading →

NACD Applauds USDA Launch of Water-Saving Initiative to Support Acequias and Conservation Districts in the Southwest 

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 26, 2024 CONTACT: Candice Abinanti NACD Applauds USDA Launch of Water-Saving Initiative to Support Acequias and Conservation Districts in the Southwest  Washington, D.C. – Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a series of investments to support community-operated irrigation systems, including the historical systems of the… Continue reading →

Winds, Water and Wildfires Summits – Southeast Region – Day 1

Join NACD for the upcoming Winds, Water and Wildfires Virtual Summits this coming May. Disasters such as high winds, wildfires and flooding cause significant damage to natural resources in the South, North, East and West. Conservation districts are uniquely positioned to assist communities with planning and preparedness before, during, and after disasters. Our sessions will… Continue reading →

Winds, Water and Wildfires Summits – Southeast Region – Day 2

Join NACD for the upcoming Winds, Water and Wildfires Virtual Summits this coming May. Disasters such as high winds, wildfires and flooding cause significant damage to natural resources in the South, North, East and West. Conservation districts are uniquely positioned to assist communities with planning and preparedness before, during, and after disasters. Our sessions will… Continue reading →

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