Ocean County SCD and Barnegat Bay Partnership Realize Shared Natural Resource Management Goals 10/25/2022
In the United States, 29 percent of the population or approximately eighty-seven million people live in coastline counties. Coastal communities, and the country at large, depend on the health of our watersheds for food, water, recreation, and more. To protect and restore the resources of our country’s coastlines and estuaries, Congress established the National Estuary…… Continue reading →
50 Years of the Clean Water Act: Oxford County SWCD Water Quality Projects in the Androscoggin River Watershed 10/18/2022
October 2022 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act. The Androscoggin River’s declining water quality in the 1960s and 70s was the inspiration for Ed Muskie to draft the Clean Water Act in 1972. The river was a receptacle for paper mill waste, sewage, and stormwater runoff from uncontrolled development for most of…… Continue reading →
NACD Annual Meeting TA Grant Participant: Kalani Fortina 06/24/2022
This blog post is part of a nine-part series highlighting technical assistance (TA) grant recipient participation at NACD’s 76th Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. This post’s author, Kalani Fortina of Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District in NE, attended the meeting as a TA speaker. This year, for the first time, NACD offered stipends to 2019…… Continue reading →
Kansas Conservation Districts Embracing a New Platform: Podcasts 04/26/2022
Kansas Conservation Districts are getting the word out about natural resource conservation in a whole new way. In a podcast through Great Plains Regeneration and the High Plains Journal, underwritten by the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Conservation (DOC), host Jessica Gnad interviewed two of the state’s greatest conservation leaders: Rod Voorhees and Daryl…… Continue reading →
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funding Opportunities: NRCS Watershed Programs 01/10/2022
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act recently passed both chambers of Congress and was signed into law by President Biden. The infrastructure package includes billions of dollars in investments for the resilience of natural systems. NACD’s Government Affairs Team will be releasing a series of blog posts to break down funding opportunities for districts through…… Continue reading →
Narragansett Food Sovereignty: A Life’s Passion 11/29/2021
Cassius Spears is a man who is passionate about his family, his community and the land. The type of person who sits quietly and unassumingly in a room until he feels moved to speak and, when he does, it is with a soft voice and a humble demeanor. One cannot help but be drawn into…… Continue reading →
Barrels & Beer Events Help Anderson County SWCD Grow its Community Outreach and Impact 07/13/2021
"It all started over a beer," says Kaleigh Sims, a commissioner with the Anderson County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) in South Carolina. For three years, the conservation district has partnered with local businesses and organizations to host an annual Barrels & Beer event. "At a rain barrel event, typically someone purchases a rain…… Continue reading →
Conserving and Restoring “America the Beautiful” Memo 05/11/2021
By Mary Scott On January 27, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order (EO) 14008, Tacking the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. EO 14008 calls for the conservation of at least 30 percent of America’s lands and waters by 2030 and is also referred to as the 30x30 program. The below is language from EO…… Continue reading →
Friends of NACD District Grant Helps Richland SWCD Launch a Seed Sanctuary and Garner New Public Awareness 04/22/2021
By Mary Hannah Lindsay In 2020, the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (RSWCD), located in Columbia, S.C, launched a Seed Sanctuary through the “Re-Seeding Richland” project. The project received funding support from the Friends of NACD District Grants Program. The Seed Sanctuary is a free seed share program. Residents of Richland County request small…… Continue reading →
NACD’s DEI Task Force on the Significance of Local Work Groups 04/16/2021
In July 2020, NACD’s Board of Directors produced a statement on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), which called for the formation of a DEI Task Force. The Task Force reviewed NACD internal governance, examined programs, policies and procedures. Conservation is important to all communities and to be effective, we must improve our reach into diverse…… Continue reading →