Good afternoon. Has any conservation district created a nonprofit partner organization. We believe that if we do so, we can hold vacant land parcels and apply for a variety of currently restricted grants. If your organization has investigated or implemented this option, I would like to learn more about the process and successes. Thank you. Jan Rybka
In Michigan, the state association as a 501c3, will assist local districts with restricted grants. We provide a 501c3 "umbrella", and share a support letter with the district to include in their request. The letter indicates that the district is a dues paying member and is covered by our non profit status. This has worked very well for our districts. Regarding owning property, districts can and do own property - which is allowed for within the state conservation district law.
In Washington, the state association is a 501c6 -- a trade organization like a chamber of commerce or, unbelievably, like the National Football League. We did not create a 501c3 charitable nonprofit but some of our conservation district folks did -- the Washington Conservation Society. WACD (the state association) is a partner with WCS but we are wholly and completely separate. To date, we have definitely underutilized the great potential represented by WCS.