
Friends of NACD District Grants Program

The deadline has passed for the FY25 Friends of NACD District Grants Program! FY25 Grantees will be announced in Salt Lake City, UT, at the 2025 NACD Annual Meeting in February.

Please direct any questions about the program to Caleb Griffin, NACD Pacific Region Representative at caleb-griffin[at]

The grantees for the Fiscal Year 2024 Friends of NACD District Grants Program were announced last February. View the press release here.

Learn more about past grant recipients below, and listen to this Conservation Coffee session, a virtual learning and networking opportunity for districts and their partners, to hear about the impacts of these grants from two past awardees of the Friends of NACD grant program: the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District in South Carolina and the Benton Conservation District in Washington.

Friends of NACD are individuals who support the nation’s nearly 3,000 conservation districts through cash donations to NACD. Individuals contribute at four donation levels (between $35 to $1500), with each level entitling members to specific benefits.

Included as a benefit to Friends of NACD is the opportunity to support individual conservation districts through the Friends of NACD District Grants Program. Since Fiscal Year 2020, Friends of NACD have awarded over $76,000 in grant funding to 31 districts across the country. Please see the list below for past years’ Friends of NACD District Grants Recipients.

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Listed alphabetically by state


Rio Grande Conservation District

Arbor Day Tree Planting

The Rio Grande Conservation District will partner with the Forest Service, Rio Grande Watershed Conservation and Education Initiative, local schools, and youth programs to purchase supplies for a community tree-planting event around Arbor Day and present on related soil health effects.

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Luta Soil and Water Conservation District

Cultivating Roots: Bridging Conservation & Culture in Rota’s Hatdin Amot Chamorro (Chamorro Medicine Garden)

Cultivating Roots, a summer youth program supported by this grant, merges NACD’s “May the Forest Be with You, Always” educational theme with a hands-on cultural experience at Rota’s Hatdin Amot Chamorro (Chamorro Medicine Garden).


Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District

Pollinator Parties for Second Graders

The Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District will develop Pollinator Parties, a program bringing together teachers, informal educators, beekeepers, and volunteers to teach second graders about pollination through standards-aligned, engaging outdoor learning experiences.


Greene Soil and Water Conservation District

Rainfall Simulator Demonstration

The Greene Soil & Water Conservation District will purchase a rainfall simulator for educational purposes to show how rainfall on soil with different tilling practices can affect the ground beneath their feet and teach the importance of soil health.

Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District

Bee Kind, Pollinate Your Mind!

The district is partnering with a local bee farm, Natures Image Farm, to install and equip two bee colonies at the site of their largest 1.5-acre community garden, which also serves as a site for education and demonstration of conservation practices.


Polk Soil and Water Conservation District

Cornerstone Community Engagement Project

With local partners, the district will build a community engagement program for their property, Cornerstone, to foster connections to the land through education and activities. Participants will take the knowledge and techniques learned to their own properties and communities.


Ferry Conservation District

Increasing Outdoor Education Center Capacity

In partnership with local Ferry County schools, the Ferry Conservation District (CD) will purchase outdoor education equipment and supplies to support the Ferry CD Outdoor Education Center.

Mason Conservation District

Winged Warriors Pollinator Program

The “Winged Warriors Pollinator Program,” supported by this grant, enhances Shelton Veterans Village by establishing a native pollinator habitat garden. Native plants bolster biodiversity, tackling ecological concerns and nurturing a Veteran community.

Listed alphabetically by state


Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District

Bee Friendly Garden

In connection with landowners, students, youth programs, and civic organizations, the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District will station and maintain an active flow hive, with honeybees and a pollinator garden, to provide a visual example of the importance and value of pollinators and healthy ecosystems.


Oxford County Soil & Water Conservation District

Climate Resiliency Forestry Demonstration Project

The Oxford County Soil & Water Conservation District will create and install a climate resilience focused educational demonstration project at their Tenmile River Demonstration Forest. The project will show ways to improve forest resiliency to climate change by encouraging carbon storage in standing timber, increasing forest diversity with alternative forest products, crop plantings that can create sources of income, and enhancing soil health and conservation, while working with local schools and community groups.

North Carolina

Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District

Mobile Soils Classroom

The Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District will build a Mobile Soils Classroom and take it to schools and events to give students an immersive and interactive experience of the ground beneath their feet and teach the importance of soil health for the environment and food production.

North Dakota

James River Soil Conservation District

James River Soil Conservation District Explorer Packs and Programming

To inaugurate the recently purchased natural resource and agricultural education property, the James River Soil Conservation District will create explorer packs and host youth and adult programming that revolves around pollinators, trees, native flora, water conservation, and wildlife.


Oklahoma County Conservation District

Sowing Seeds of Stewardship: Native Plants for Urban Conservation

The Oklahoma County Conservation District will promote land stewardship in urban areas by providing resources and technical support to conservation projects centered on the benefits that native plants provide to soil health, water conservation, and wildlife habitat.


Benton Conservation District

Energy & Agriculture STEM Academy

The Benton Conservation District will partner with the Franklin and Walla Walla conservation districts, leading agricultural employers, local clean energy utilities, and educational institutions to develop and implement the Energy & Agriculture STEM Academy to educate, expose, and prepare 25 high school students for local careers in conservation, sustainable agriculture, and clean energy.

West Virginia

Capitol Conservation District

Ben Franklin Career & Technical Center Outdoor Classroom

As a true community cooperative project, the Capitol Conservation District will provide a state-of-the-art outdoor classroom experience encompassing major natural resource fields: aquatics, forestry, wildlife, soils, and agriculture. All enhanced through hands-on educational exploration. 


Campbell County Conservation District

Wyoming Roots Run Deep – Soil Trailer 

The Campbell County Conservation District, in partnership with federal, state, and local agencies, will promote the importance and awareness of soil health through a mobile, inclusively designed educational trailer for both youth and adult audiences throughout the community.

Listed alphabetically by state


Clark County Soil and Water Conservation District

Fore! Invasive Species Awareness Project

In cooperation with Clarksville Parks and Recreation and the Floyd County Native Habitat Restoration Team, the Clark County SWCD established an educational outreach program to increase invasive species awareness within Clark and Floyd counties and promote the benefits of native species.


Catahoula Soil and Water Conservation District

Catahoula SWCD Tree Sale

The Catahoula SWCD had a tree sale in their urban community to encourage and teach about the importance of conservation and value of trees by planting trees.


Waldo County Soil and Water Conservation District

Conservation Landscape Certification

The Waldo County SWCD will create resources for a new conservation landscape certification, including an online print resource guide that assists landowners with each step required in the certification, and a smartphone app people can use to complete a certification checklist; done in partnership with the Knox-Lincoln SWCD.

New Mexico

Valencia Soil and Water Conservation District

Farm to Table Camp

The Valencia SWCD led an experiential, agriculture-focused summer camp for local youth, promoting regenerative agriculture and food security while capturing the lessons of community partners to be shared during the camp and in other widespread community outreach efforts.

South Dakota

Miner Conservation District

Miner County Community Tree Planting Project

The Miner County CD will plant needed trees in their community in partnership with the Howard High School football team, 5th and 6th grade class, Miner County 4-H clubs, various community organizations, and members of Miner County.


Caldwell-Travis Soil and Water Conservation District

Soil Health Workshop Series for Deep Topsoil Restoration of The Plum Creek Watershed

In partnership with the Hays and Seguin SWCDs and more than a dozen government and non-governmental organization partners, the Caldwell-Travis SWCD will host a series of workshops to create a dialogue on land preservation, farm succession planning, principles of soil health, economics of regenerative agriculture, ecosystem service market development, and conservation easement strategies with producers and landowners in the Plum Creek Watershed. 

Matagorda County Soil and Water Conservation District

Feral Pig Mitigation Program

The Matagorda County SWCD will purchase a pig trap system to mitigate feral pig damage within Matagorda County, collect data on feral pig numbers, and educate youth and adults about feral pigs.

Listed alphabetically by state


Eastern Connecticut Conservation District

Milo Appley Conservation Showcase and Education Center

The Eastern Connecticut Conservation District (ECCD) developed land the district owns into an outdoor conservation showcase and education center for area residents, schools, students, and conservation volunteers and professionals.


Duval Soil and Water Conservation District

Start Farming Mentorship Program

The Duval Soil and Water Conservation District began a Start Farming Mentorship Program to support new farmers by providing tours of diverse farm operations and onsite workshops in sustainable practices including water conservation, composting and permaculture.


Catoosa County Conservation District

Water Wise Workshop

The Catoosa County Conservation District hosted a rain barrel workshop to encourage and promote residential water conservation.


Beaver County Conservation District

Surviving Blazes, a celebration of recovery after the March 7, 2020 Wildfire

The Beaver County Conservation District celebrated surviving the March 7, 2020 wildfire with a one-day “block party” style event using speakers, vendors, demonstrations, games, and entertainment to encourage community residents to participate in prevention and be prepared when wildfire strikes again.

Listed alphabetically by state


Butte Soil and Water Conservation District

Recycling Agricultural Chemical Containers

Butte Soil and Water Conservation District (BSWCD) installed a locally accessible recycling bin for agricultural chemical containers. Local farmers, ranchers, homeowners and businesses may now dispose their plastic pesticide, herbicide and other chemical containers in this bin for proper handling and recycling. This service had not previously been available. The project has helped spread the district’s conservation message and opens the door for more outreach on water quality issues.

New Mexico

Sierra SWCD

Conservation Days

After COVID-19 (coronavirus) cancelled their original plans for a summer camp, the Sierra Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) adapted and provided students with conservation kits to take home for hands-on learning experiences. The kits included supplies to raise frogs and butterflies, ecospheres, a summer camp t-shirt and a backpack filled with educational materials and goodies from various district partners. Many students also received a home aquaponics system and mushroom growing kit. SWCD is planning an in-person summer camp for the summer of 2021. Read more about SWCD’s accomplishments with this grant funding in this blog post.

South Carolina

Richland Soil and Water Conservation District

Seed Sanctuary: Re-seeding Richland

To promote home gardening, sustainable gardening practices and pollinator conservation, the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (RSWCD) launched a Seed Sanctuary, a free seed share that provided residents with small packets of wildflower, vegetable and herb seeds at no cost. As a direct result of this project, community awareness of RSWCD was raised. The district expanded its volunteer base, gained new social media followers and added nearly 2,000 new subscribers to its monthly newsletter. Read more about RSWCD’s accomplishments with this grant funding in this blog post.

Rhode Island

Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District

Expanding District Fundraising through Seedling Sale Program

The Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District launched a Seedling Sale Program during an Earth Day Celebration at a local farm in Rhode Island to expand district fundraising efforts while educating the local community on the value of planting native trees.

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