
2012: Soil to Spoon


Soil to Spoon was the stewardship theme for 2012. You may download the logo on NACD’s Flickr page here. Please use the 2012 stewardship materials for educational purposes only.

Soil to Spoon Educators Guide |PDF| This online interactive guide is full of great resources to use in the classroom or other educational programs. It contains activities, science standards that complement the “Soil to Spoon” student booklets, literature connections, links to additional outreach materials, and more.

Booklet Samples

Grades K-1 |PDF|

Grades 2-3 |PDF|

Grades 4-5 |PDF|

Grades 6 and up |PDF|

Bookmark | PDF |

Activity Sheet/Placemat | PDF |

Soil to Spoon Poster | PDF |

BIG BOOK – Soil to Spoon | PDF |

For Church Leaders

Soil to Spoon Program Insert |PDF|

Soil to Spoon Litany |PDF|

Soil to Spoon Program Blank |PDF|

Church Leaders Guide |PDF|

Church Leaders Presentation |PPT| Presentation Notes |PDF|

Additional Resources

Soil to Spoon – Scotty Wynn’s story |Video|
Scotty Wynn, a third-grader from Hamilton County, Florida, has been farming all his life. Scotty highlights how important it is to know and understand where your food comes from, and how important soil is to the Wynn Family farm. You can also see him featured in the NACD Soil to Spoon education materials for students in grades 2-3! The video can be downloaded to show to students or other interested groups.

Soil Burger |PDF|

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