2016: We All Need Trees
We All Need Trees was the Stewardship theme for 2016. You may download the logo on NACD’s Flickr page here. Please use the 2016 stewardship materials for educational purposes only.
We All Need Trees Educators Guide |PDF| Objectives, standards, vocabulary words, activities, literature connections, additional resources, and more!
Click here to access all of our free educational materials available for high and low resolution PDF download. If this is your first time printing NACD educational materials, check out our 2016 FAQ for Stewardship and Education Materials and Recommended Printing Specifications.
Are you interested in purchasing printed 2016 Stewardship materials? Visit the Goetz Printing storefront to “print-on-demand” high-quality materials without going through the trouble of finding and vetting a local printer.
Sample Booklets:
Printing booklets at your home or office? Visit this blog for a step-by-step guide.
Grades K-1 |PDF|
Grades 2-3 |PDF|
Grades 4-5 |PDF|
Grades 6-8 |PDF|
(Samples) Bookmark |PDF| Placemat |PDF| Poster |PDF|
For Church Leaders
Church Leaders Guide |PDF|
Church Leaders Presentation |PPT| Presentation Notes |PDF|
Additional Resources and Activities
We All Need Trees Coloring Page |PDF|
Forestry Bingo |PDF| Bingo Instructions |PDF|
Speech and Essay Contest Ideas |PDF| This document contains information on how you can hold your own local speech and essay contests. Some states also hold state contests and many FFA chapters and states use the NACD’s Stewardship themes for speech contests as well. Please note: NACD does not hold a national contest for speeches and essays.