
2018: Watersheds: Our Water, Our Home

Watersheds: Our Water, Our Home is the Stewardship theme for 2018!

You may download the logo on NACD’s Flickr page here; also available as: |EPS| |PNG| |JPG|

More information on poster and photo contest rules is available here. Please use the 2018 stewardship materials for educational purposes only.

2018 Educators Guide |PDF| This online interactive guide is full of great resources to use in the classroom or other educational programs. It contains activities, science standards that complement the “Watersheds: Our Water, Our Home” student booklets, literature connections, links to additional outreach materials, and more!

2018 Watersheds: Our Water, Our Home materials flyer |PDF| This flyer provides a comprehensive overview of our free educational materials, allowing you to browse the selection to identify which resources suit your needs. View and download a printable version here.

Click here to access all of our free educational materials available for download. Are you interested in purchasing printed 2018 Stewardship materials? You can visit the Goetz Printing storefront to “print-on-demand” high-quality materials without going through the trouble of finding and vetting a local printer.

Sample Booklets:
Printing booklets at your home or office? Visit this blog for a step-by-step guide.
Grades K-1 |PDF|
Grades 2-3 |PDF|
Grades 4-5 |PDF|
Grades 6-8 |PDF|

(Samples) Bookmark |PDF| BIG Book |PDF| Watershed Map Poster |PDF| Poster |PDF| Placemat |PDF|

Church Leaders:
2018 Church Leaders Guide |PDF|
2018 Litany |PDF|

Stewardship Week Materials:

News Release |DOC|

Proclamation |PDF|

Public Service Announcement |DOC|

Promotional PowerPoint |PPT|

Activity worksheets
Grades K-1 |PDF|
Grades 2-3 |PDF|
Grades 4-5 |PDF|
Grades 6-8 |PDF|

Coloring Book |PDF|
Watershed Logo Coloring Page |PDF|

Build Your Own Rain Barrel |PDF|

Water Use Table |PDF|

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