2024 Annual Meeting Pack-a-Book
List of Suggested Pack-a-Book Titles
The 2024 Annual Meeting will mark the 15th year for NACD’s community outreach program “Pack-A-Book.” Through “Pack-A-Book” and the generosity of meeting attendees, NACD has donated more than 1,300 books to elementary schools located within our annual meetings’ host cities.
This year’s Pack-A-Book donations will be received by the Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County, who will share donations with schools around the San Diego area.
Be a part of this project by packing one or more natural resource, environmental, or conservation-related book(s) for your trip to San Diego. Simply drop them off at the Stewardship and Education booth at the Conservation Showcase. A label with your name and conservation district affiliation will be placed in the inside cover of each book you donate.
For a wide selection of books with conservation themes at a variety of grade levels, consult this list of suggested titles. If you have questions, contact stewardship[at]nacdnet.org.
If you are not able to attend our annual meeting but would like to participate in person, you may “Mail-A-Book” to the Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego at 11769 Waterhill Road, Lakeside, CA 92040 with this donation form.