2017 Conservation Expo
You’re invited to participate in the 2017 Conservation Expo at the NACD Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, from January 28 – February 1. 2017!
The expo is a fantastic way to boost exposure for your company, agency, or organization’s products and services, and a valuable opportunity to network with the 1,000 conservation leaders who will be in attendance.
2017 Conservation Expo Stage
Sunday, January 29 (Click for archived video) | ||
4:15 PM – 4:30 PM | Case IH | Click to view presentation |
4:35 PM – 4:50 PM | USDA NASS | |
4:55 PM – 5:10 PM | Envirocert |
Monday, January 30 (Click for archived video: Morning presentations and afternoon presentations) | ||
10:40 AM – 10:55 AM | Hudson-Essex-Passaic SCD, New Jersey | Click to view Chairperson Matt Ward’s presentation |
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM | NACD Officer Candidate Interview | Click to view archived video |
11:40 AM – 11:55 AM | Truax Company, Inc. | Click to view presentation |
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM | Conservation District of Southern Nevada | Click to view Board Secretary Amber Bosket’s presentation |
2:50 PM – 3:05 PM | Spokane CD, Washington | Click to view Small Farms and Acreage Coordinator Pat Munts’s presentation |
3:10 PM – 3:25 PM | Green Cover Seed | Click to view presentation |
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM | Jefferson SWCD, Kentucky | |
3:50 PM – 4:05 PM | Department of Defense REPI | Click to view presentation |
4:10 PM – 4:25 PM | Washington State Soil Health Committee and San Juan Islands CD | Click to view Executive Director Linda Lyshall and Associate Supervisor Lynn Bahrych’s presentation |
4:30 PM – 4:45 PM | Jefferson CD, Colorado |
2017 Annual Meeting Exhibitors
Case IH
At Case IH, our mission is to be the preferred partner in bringing innovative products and market leading agricultural solutions and services to our customers around the world. In the pursuit of that goal, we recognize air, soil and water conservation as critical to preserving the long-term productivity of global agro-ecosystems and our innovations reflect this.
Today, we are a recognized leader in air quality emissions reduction with our innovative SCR engine technology; our award-winning seed delivery, strip-till, and crop protection products feature the latest in geospatial, variable-rate, and on-target application technology for efficient input management; and our Steiger® and MagnumTM tractors and Axial-Flow® combines offer industry-leading track technology that reduces compaction to encourage good air, water and nutrient qualities in the soil. With conservation in mind, we continue to work with our customers to develop even more exciting innovations to meet the world’s growing food, fiber and energy needs.
Truax Company
Truax Company, Inc. manufactures precision, no-till grain and grass drills and broadcast seeders for agriculture, conservation and reclamation seeding needs. Our innovative “On the Go” seed drill is engineered to go from no-till to conventional seed beds hydraulically, saving time and money. Check out our full line-up of seeders at www.truaxcomp.com or info[at]truaxcomp.com to zero in on the best fit for your application and to request a quote! Or call us at 763-537-6639 and cut through the chase in a hurry!
Soil Health Institute
The Soil Health Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed in 2015 to safeguard and enhance the vitality and productivity of soil through scientific research and advancement. The Institute is focused on fundamental and applied research and works to ensure its adoption. We recognize that soil health must emerge as the cornerstone of land use management decisions throughout the world during the 21st century because health soil is the foundation of life and society. Enhancing soil health allows us to improve water quality, increase drought resilience, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve farm economies, provide pollinator habitat, and better position us to feed the nine billion people expected by 2050. The Institute is designed to move technology and knowledge from the research laboratory to the farm field.
Project WET Foundation
Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) envisions a world in which action-oriented education enables every child to understand and value water, ensuring a sustainable future. Stop by our booth to learn more about our award-winning, science-based water education materials and to find how to bring Project WET to your community!
Department of Defense – REPI Program and Sentinel Landscapes Partnership
By bringing together military installations, conservation districts, local government, and other federal, non-profit, and community partners, the DoD Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program and Sentinel Landscapes Partnership are working to strengthen national defense, promote working lands, and preserve natural resources.
Agri Drain Corporation
For over 40 years, Agri Drain Corporation has been America’s most complete manufacturer and supplier of products for drainage water management, sub-irrigation, wetlands, ponds, lakes, erosion control, and land improvement.
The Agri Drain team views water as a precious resource, which must be managed and conserved, to maximize yields and minimize surface water quality impacts and provide habitat for wildlife and plants, to ensure a healthy balance for agriculture and the environment. We believe that drainage water management is the most important water quality tool that farmers will have to address resource concerns in the next century.
For more information or to view our full product line, please visit our website at www.agridrain.com or call 1-800-232-4742.
National Association of State Foresters
From classic Smokey Bear wildlife prevention posters to community forestry awareness tree tags, the National Association of State Foresters’ educational materials store offers products and other resources as part of its mission to sustain healthy trees and forests across the United States. These educational items serve as perfect giveaways to help you meet your outreach goals about conservation efforts.
Purchase products at www.stateforesters.org/store.
Alabama Association of Conservation Districts
Visit the Alabama Association of Conservation Districts’ exhibit to learn about a new marketing campaign that’s seeing results across the 67 district association. Conserve Alabama is an initiative to provide tools and educational information about the wise use of our abundant natural resources so future generations can enjoy the same Alabama the Beautiful we know and love. The campaign aims to engage a larger group of people, specifically in urban areas and schools, in conserving natural resources and build support for private land conservation.
Land Improvement Contractors of America
The aim of the Association is to encourage high standards of workmanship in resource management, land improvement practices and to promote enterprises in the area of land improvement contracting. This association of contractors brings together people having similar interests and opportunities for improving our natural resources with an adequate profit.
W-W Livestock – BoarBuster
The BoarBuster is a fully suspended feral hog trap that is activated with a cell phone or computer. The BoarBuster hog trap is a patented product, developed by research done at The Noble Foundation in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
NACD Auxiliary
The Country Store is a one-stop shop for meeting attendees to purchase goodies and gifts that benefit NACD’s educational outreach. It’s also the place where Auxiliary sells raffle tickets for its 2017 annual meeting quilt.
“Swoon” (pictured) was adapted from a Camille Roskelley design. It is machine quilted, contains 2,052 pieces plus sashing, and features 35 different heirloom quality Moda quilt fabrics. It’s appropriate for a king-size bed (122’’ x 125’’) and valued at $6,000. Raffle tickets cost $1 each, or $5 for six. Tickets can be purchased from any Auxiliary member before Tuesday February 1, 2017 when the winning ticket will be drawn.
USDA Forest Service
The Forest Service works with partners to educate and provide technical assistance to private woodland owners, producers, and ranchers interested in protecting and enhancing their woods.
National Farmers Union
National Farmers Union is working to increase communication with beginning farmers and ranchers using internet and social media resources. Because beginning producers are key to the success of conservation districts long-term, we hope to share our networks and collaborate on common conservation goals.
Buckeye Soil Solutions
Buckeye Soil Solutions specializes in cover crop consultation, cover crop seed sales and the custom application of cover crop seeds using our high clearance proprietary, purpose built high clearance seeders. These machines give us the ability to apply cover crops into your standing cash crop.
EnviroCert International, Inc. (ECI) is a Non-Profit Organization whose purpose is to safeguard life, health, property, and to promote the public welfare. ECI is the national leader in stormwater and environmental certification industry. ECI offers five (5) professional certification programs to ensure the highest quality of practice in the environmental field. ECI Professionals are distinguished in all 50 states and over 20 countries as leading experts in their respective fields. ECI offers the following professional certifications: Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ), Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Certified Professional in Municipal Stormwater Management (CPMSM), Stormwater Inspections (CESSWI), and Industrial Stormwater Management (CPISM).
Soil and Water Conservation Society
The Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization — founded in 1943 — that serves as an advocate for conservation professionals and for science-based conservation practice, programs, and policy. SWCS has over 3,000 members around the world. They include researchers, administrators, planners, policymakers, technical advisors, teachers, students, farmers, and ranchers. Our members come from nearly every academic discipline and many different public, private, and nonprofit institutions.
Soil Health Partnership
The Soil Health Partnership is a farmer-led initiative that fosters transformation in agriculture through improved soil health, benefiting both farmer profitability and the environment. The SHP tests, measures and advances progressive farm management practices that will enhance sustainability and farm economics for generations to come. SHP brings together diverse partners to work towards common goals. A ten-year scientific program led by the National Corn Growers Association, our vision is driven by initial and continuing funding and guidance from NCGA, Monsanto, the Walton Family Foundation, the Midwest Row Crop Collaborative and USDA, with technical support from The Nature Conservancy and the Environmental Defense Fund. For more, visit soilhealthpartnership.org.
National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization
The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) is a non-profit organization that helps K-12 teachers and students understand and appreciate the source of their food, fiber, and fuel. It does so by providing curricula, materials, professional development workshops, grant opportunities and other programs through the national organization and its members in 48 states and six territories.
United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service
The National Agricultural Statistics Service provides timely, accurate, and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture.
Irrigation Association
The Irrigation Association is the leading membership organization for irrigation companies and professionals. Together with our members, we are committed to promoting efficient irrigation and to long-term sustainability of water resources for future generations.
Pawnee Buttes Seed Inc.
Owners Don and Janine Hijar founded Pawnee Buttes Seed in 1998 on the idea that a seed company should sell more than just a bag of seed. Don’s love of the environment combined with his 30 years of experience in the natural resources and seed industry have given Pawnee Buttes Seed the ability to provide quality seed with technical expertise at reasonable prices. Pawnee Buttes Seed’s staff is knowledgeable, honest, skilled, and dedicated to educating each customer on preparing, planting, establishing, and managing their land. Experience and commitment have made Pawnee Buttes Seed successful in pasture, turf, reclamation, CRP, CREP, WHIP, and EQIP seed sales.
Green Cover Seed
Green Cover Seed, a leader in the soil health movement, specializes in designing custom seed mixes that benefit a broad customer base across the country. Dedicated employees, modern facilities, and an extensive seed supply network provide a quality, competitively priced product. We are committed to cover crops and forages, and we are investing heavily into facilities and equipment that will allow us to better meet the needs of our customers. Green Cover Seed is committed to bringing added value to cover crop seed through experience, education, and service. This is achieved through modern facilities, research plots, and large scale cover cropping on our own farmground. We currently stock over 120 different types of cover crop seed, and we are building relationships with seed growers and suppliers across the world to better meet your needs.
National Horse and Burro Rangeland Management Coalition
The National Horse & Burro Rangeland Management Coalition is a wide range of sportsmen, livestock, wildlife, land conservation organizations, and professional societies. Collectively, the coalition represents over eight million Americans and focuses on common sense, ecologically-sound approaches to managing horses and burros to promote healthy wildlife and rangelands for future generations.
Our coalition is concerned about the exponentially growing population of wild and feral horses and burros on our nation’s rangelands. We believe more can and should be done to protect the rangeland ecosystem from further degradation by horses and burros.
To learn more about excess horses and the challenges they pose for the health of our public lands, please visit the coalition’s website at www.wildhorserange.org.
USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub
The USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub helps farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners adapt to weather variability and changing climatic conditions. We partner closely with Federal, state and local agencies, as well as Universities, NGOs and private companies to identify and transfer timely, practical, science-based information about climate-smart management/conservation strategies and decision tools.
EcoTrack Services – Water Quality Monitoring Systems
EcoTrack Services specializes in water quality monitoring and modeling using a patented ion-exchange resin system (Eco-Tracker™). The system passively monitors contaminant movement and measures cumulative loads of targeted elements within an ecosystem. Eco-Tracker™ (U.S Patent 8,763,478 B2) is a cost-effective tool to evaluate changes in nutrient levels throughout a watershed, identify point and non-point sources of emissions, track inflow vs. outflow of contaminants at a site, and quantitatively measure the success of conservation efforts influencing environmental recovery.