Media Resources
In 1946, conservation districts set out to create a national organization to deliver a unified message to policymakers on conservation-related issues and better coordinate district activities on a countrywide scale. Representatives from 32 soil conservation districts met in Washington, D.C., to organize a national association of conservation districts, and over 1,600 soil conservation districts had already formed in 48 states.
Today, we continue to reap the benefits of the conservation legacy our early district leaders left to us. The association was founded on the philosophy that conservation decisions should be made at the local level with technical and funding assistance from federal, state and local governments and the private sector. As the national voice for all conservation districts, NACD supports voluntary, incentive-driven natural resource conservation programs that benefit all citizens.
NACD maintains relationships with organizations and government agencies; publishes information about districts; works with leaders in agriculture, conservation, environment, education, industry and other fields; and provides services to its districts. The association’s programs and activities aim to advance conservation led by local districts and the millions of cooperating landowners and land managers they serve.
The National Association of Conservation Districts provides a unified, national voice for the more than 3,000 conservation districts across the United States. NACD’s member-driven board of directors selects conservation policy priorities which are used to develop and review environmental and natural resources legislation and to secure adequate federal funding for natural resources conservation programs.
Conservation districts are local units of government established under state law to carry out natural resource management programs at the local level. Districts work with millions of cooperating landowners and operators to help them manage and protect land and water resources on private and public lands in the United States.
NACD’s mission is to promote the wise and responsible use of natural resources for all lands by representing locally-led conservation districts and their associations through grassroots advocacy, education and partnerships.
Media Requests
NACD’s Communications Team provides timely information about locally-led conservation to media professionals. NACD’s Officer Team is available for interviews upon request; please coordinate all scheduling and article requests through nacdnews[at]
To subscribe to our press release mailing list, please contact our communications team. You can subscribe to any of our other publications through the NACD Publications webpage.
NACD’s published blog posts, newsletters and Conservation Clips are available for reprint by our districts and members with permission. Please contact one of the communications team members to make sure you have the most current, up-to-date information, and please provide us with a copy of the final edition of your publication or webpage when completed.
NACD creates unique graphics and captures high-quality digital photographs for our members’ use as well. Visit our Flickr page to access these images – to download, click the down arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.