
Steve ReimerChamberlain, SD

SteveReimer_HealthySoilSteve Reimer

R & R Cattle Co.

Chamberlain, South Dakota

My wife, Elaine, and I have two daughters, one son, and five grandchildren. We live on our fourth generation family operation in south central South Dakota where we raise Simmental and SimAngus, and farm corn, soybeans, wheat, and forage crops. 

Steve recently started using a multi-species cover crop mix in his operation to increase organic matter, microbial activity, and fertility in his soils. The cover crop also provides late season grazing for his cowherd. He developed a rotational grazing system, as well, to better utilize grass mixtures during the grazing season.

According to Steve, the biggest challenge in using conservation practices in his area is “having enough moisture at the right time to make the system work.”

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