
Dennis BrownBroad River SWCD, GA

Dennis Brown

Broad River SWCD

Chestatee Chattahoochee RC&D Council

Dennis Brown is married, has children and grandchildren, and has been a long time Banks County supervisor with the Broad River SWCD. Brown also serves as the Georgia representative on NACD’s Board of Directors and is the president of the Chestatee Chattahoochee RC&D Council. 

Brown grows 200 acres of wheat and 100 acres of wheat on his operation, all while managing for wildlife habitat. “Planting field borders (helps) to reduce soil erosion while it provides wildlife habitat,” Brown said. He also has implemented filter strips and conservation crop rotations.

“Planting field borders has made a big difference in reducing erosion at the edges of my crop fields, and has allowed me to control the runoff,” Brown added. “Keeping cover to benefit wildlife on my cropland has also helped to increase my organic matter and suppress weeds.”


The biggest challenge on Brown’s farm is soil erosion. He has implemented terraces, field borders, and contour farming to limit erosion.

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