
Jerry and Christy BarreraPinehill, NM

Jerry and Christy Barrera

Pinehill, NM

McKinley SWCD

Jerry and Christy Barrera are a young couple born and raised in El Paso, TX. The idea of having a farm was not one that they grew up with but a few years ago, they began considering it. When the Barreras were ready to make their move, they found a nice piece of land they felt connected with immediately.

As new farmers, they are slowly learning about the benefits of soil health and how they can improve the health of the soil on their own land. To get started, they brought in several goats and sheep which helped to “clean up” a few pens through grazing. Now the Barreras have broadcast cover crop seed in these pens and have mulched with straw. In the past year, the Barreras had some success in growing a nice little patch of grass and huge daikon radishes.

Two challenges the Barreras face include gopher disturbance and much-needed summer rain. With more moisture, their grass would fare better. And while they are fortunate to have a well, they need a pump to retrieve the water faster.

It’s too soon for the Barreras to see huge improvements in the soil, but they are getting to know their land and just starting off on their soil health journey.

Posted June 2022

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