Caribe Soil Conservation District reinstates Youth Board and inaugurates irrigation system 06/05/2019
By Gelyan Reyes In 1992, Caribe SCD became the first district in Puerto Rico to ever have a Youth Board. The Youth Board consisted of eight members (five Board Supervisors and three Vocals) and was a self- sufficient and complete team with its own regulations and bylaws. The Caribe SCD Youth Board operated from 1992-2000…… Continue reading →
Conservación en el Caribe: Asociación y Dedicación 07/06/2018
Por Brent Van Dyke, Presidente NACD En septiembre de 2017, los huracanes Irma y María azotaron los territorios de las islas de los EE. UU. como huracanes de Categoría 4. 25 de junio de 2018 - Los líderes y personal de la Asociación Nacional de Distritos de Conservación (NACD, por sus siglas en inglés) se…… Continue reading →
Conservation in the Caribbean: Part One 06/25/2018
By NACD President Brent Van Dyke In September 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria pummeled the U.S. Atlantic island territories as Category 4 storms. June 25, 2018 – This week, leaders and staff from the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) are in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to meet with conservation districts and…… Continue reading →