

Wyoming collaborative effort is increasing forest health

Sublette County Conservation District (SCCD) is reducing wildfire risk, restoring forest species, improving wildlife habitat in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, and protecting drinking water through funding from the Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership (LRP). The LRP funding is one of several grants the district is chasing to implement on-the-ground projects. The Sublette County Forest Collaborative:…… Continue reading →

Indiana erases boundaries in forest management practices

By partnering with several other groups and with funding through the Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership (LRP), Indiana soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) are tackling invasive species and managing areas for oak regeneration. The Hoosier Hills and Highlands Oak Community Restoration Partnership project runs across 18 counties of the most heavily forested and diverse…… Continue reading →

District cost-share assistance helps complete Minnesota restoration projects

Lake and Cook County Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) combined boots-on-the-ground efforts with cost-sharing to ensure conservation projects designed to help restore the North Shore Forest as part of a Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership (LRP). “Forestry assistance for private landowners has been more difficult for people in this area to gain access to,”…… Continue reading →

Cattle and prescribed burns are restoring Louisiana longleaf ecosystem

Louisiana soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) are using a multi-practice approach and funding from the Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership (LRP) to restore longleaf pine and its diverse ecosystem on non-industrial private forestlands that are located within the historic range. "The soil and water conservation districts that operate within Louisiana’s historic longleaf pine range…… Continue reading →

Virginia districts implement practices to restore wildlife habitat

Mountain Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is partnering with other agencies and implementing practices that are restoring wildlife habitat and improving water quality. “We’re taking a landscape approach in addressing resource concerns in the Lower Cowpasture watershed,” NRCS District Conservationist Charles Simmons said. “We’re bringing partners together and bringing resources together to change the…… Continue reading →

Oregon SWCD funding provides major boost for all-lands project

Jackson County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) contributed $32,000 annually for three years of a Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership (LRP) that was a catalyst in the ability to implement a multi-million dollar, all-lands approach to forest restoration and fuel reduction treatment in and around the Ashland Creek Watershed in Jackson County, Ore. The…… Continue reading →

Trinity County RCD works toward wildfire protection, resource restoration

Three years after intense, widespread wildfires ravaged the area, Trinity County Resource Conservation District (RCD) began working with local and state partners to restore and protect habitat while repairing communities in California. With assistance from Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership (LRP) funding, the Trinity County Community Protection Project is using burn practices and other programs…… Continue reading →

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