Wisconsin’s Coon Creek Watershed Project Celebrates 90 Year Anniversary 09/11/2023
By Beth Mason, NACD North Central Region Representative For the average person, the significance of Coon Valley might be lost, but on September 9, 2023, a national, regional, state, and local contingency gathered in southwest Wisconsin to remind us and celebrate the event that started a conservation movement. In 1933, the country was in the…… Continue reading →
Westmoreland CD Relaunches Decades Old Flood Control Project in Jacobs Creek 09/15/2021
Over 50 years ago, Westmoreland Conservation District (WCD) in Pennsylvania worked with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), on a flood control project in Jacobs Creek. Floods were causing extensive damage to Scottdale and its surrounding areas, so a unique watershed-wide flood-control project (PL…… Continue reading →
Contra Costa Resource Conservation District’s Shoreline Festival 04/30/2020
The Contra Costa RCD will be hosting a first-of-its-kind festival in Crockett, California on their NEW date Sept. 12, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Shoreline Festival will celebrate air, fire, water, and earth—the elements that are the essential forces that shape our natural environment. Amazing performers, dance troops, and live bands will…… Continue reading →
January Monthly Meeting of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors 01/10/2020
This is the monthly meeting for the Seminole Soil & Water Conservation District (SSWCD). The general public is, as always, warmly invited to attend and participate during our public input segment. The SSWCD serves all of Seminole County in the area of the conservation and stewardship of our natural resources. We are an independent state…… Continue reading →
Howard SWCD uses technical assistance funds to work with local landowners, protect streambanks 08/17/2018
By Hunter Slifka [caption id="attachment_27982" align="alignright" width="283"] Technicians survey a streambank after completion.[/caption] Streams have the power to meander, move sediment, power industries, and destruct shorelines. With increasing flooding in recent years due to large rain events in the Midwest, streambanks in the region have been affected greatly. Programs and practices like shoreline protection and…… Continue reading →
A winning partnership: Conservation districts and the NRCS Watershed Stewardship Program 05/15/2017
Guest Column By Mark Gilbert, National Watershed Coalition While the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) may be better known for providing a financial safety net for farmers and ranchers, USDA also provides an actual safety net for our rural communities. The Watershed and Flood Prevention Program (Watershed Program) is a vital, but often overlooked, infrastructure…… Continue reading →