Jefferson Conservation District & Partners Lead $19M Forest Resilience Initiative 03/28/2024
Jefferson Conservation District (JCD) in Colorado, in collaboration with partners, has secured federal grants totaling over $19 million to address forest restoration, wildlife habitat preservation, and wildfire mitigation across the Northern Front Range. This initiative, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) aims to thin out dense forests on private lands,…… Continue reading →
RCD No-Cost Chipping Program Gaining in Popularity 08/23/2021
The Resource Conservation District (RCD) of Santa Cruz County got a jump start on a key piece of its forest health programs just a year after the worst fire on record in the county. The RCD reached out to landowners in the wildland urban interface (WUI) to get involved in its No-Cost Chipping program this…… Continue reading →
Disaster Mitigation and Resilience Forum Series: Forum on Wildfire Mitigation and Resilience 02/21/2020
Leading the Discussion on the Future of Mitigation and Infrastructure Resilience in Sacramento, California Join key policymakers, officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), state and local emergency managers and disaster officials from the region, and leading stakeholders from the insurance and infrastructure industries for the second forum in the Disaster Mitigation and Resilience…… Continue reading →
RCD of Greater San Diego County leads collaborative approach to battling wildfire 08/15/2019
The Resource Conservation District (RCD) of Greater San Diego County will use funds from the California Department of Conservation (DOC) and the California Natural Resources Agency to further regional work on reducing local wildfire threats and impacts. The RCD was awarded $1.425 million from the California DOC this year as part of a block grant…… Continue reading →
Grant SWCD and partners helping to restore New Mexico forestlands 08/15/2019
As a single-person, part-time office, the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has its work cut out when it comes to implementing on-the-ground projects, so the SWCD is partnering with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) to undertake forest restoration in New Mexico. The timing couldn’t be better, as New…… Continue reading →
Jefferson CD helps educate policymakers on wildfire funding needs 08/15/2019
The Jefferson Conservation District (JCD) is putting a face on forest conservation issues in Colorado by testifying before state legislators and showing them the benefits of continuing to fund program grants at the state level. In March – the third time in the past five years – district staff, landowners and Colorado Association of Conservation…… Continue reading →
Washington conservation districts are chipping away at the threat of catastrophic wildfire 07/22/2019
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in July 2019 in the summer edition of National Woodlands magazine and is the third of a series of articles in partnership with The National Woodland Owners Association (NWOA). By Jennifer Hinkhouse In recent years, wildfires in the West have increased in frequency and severity; as a result,…… Continue reading →
Wildfire work never ends for Western Shasta County RCD 08/22/2018
In the midst of one of the worst wildfire seasons on record in California, Western Shasta County Resource Conservation District (RCD) continues working on fire reduction and fire prevention through fuel breaks and preparing communities for wildfires and how to prevent them. The RCD was working on installing a fuel break near French Gulch when…… Continue reading →
2017 fire season costs exceed $2 billion 10/03/2017
By Mike Beacom Summer 2017 may be remembered years from now for its devastating hurricanes, but it has also proven to be yet another record-setting fire season. Federal wildfire spending has increased steadily over the past three decades, but even more rapidly over the past five years. Two years ago, the Forest Service spent a…… Continue reading →