
Technical Assistance Grants Reporting Portal

An important requirement for the TA Grants is to submit regular reports. This TA Grant Portal has links to all the reports you may need to complete. Using the NACD Technical Assistance Grant Status, it is now possible to check your reporting status.


To help address any confusion about all the reports listed below, the Reporting Portal Video provides a short walkthrough. The quick explanation is that the two forms entitled ‘Quarterly’ are to be completed regularly, as shown in the table. The other four forms are only completed as needed.

Reporting Period Report Due
January 1 – March 31 April 20
April 1 – June 30 July 20
July 1 – September 30 October 20
October 1 – December 31 January 20

Contact Chessa Ossefoort, NACD Program Manager, or your region’s representative if you have any questions.

Due each quarter until your grant is closed.

Due any time a Financial Report shows funds spent.

Due when you begin a grant and then needs to be updated any time someone leaves or is hired.

Due to close a grant.

Modify your entry on the TA Grant Map.

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